Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Oh So Very Gullible

The afternoon rush was interrupted by an urgent email:

See me in Stillwater immediately


Stillwater is one of our conference rooms, and this email sounded really urgent, so I stood up, walked to the conference room, and saw that it was completely empty and the lights were out. Huh?

The moment I turned around I could see Todd and Steve standing up in their cubes watching me with huge grins plastered on their faces. Then I remembered seeing Steve sneak into Kurt's cube right before I got the email.

When I realized that Steve had sent me an email from Kurt's computer a hot flush rushed to my face, and I walked back to the Pentagram of Trust. No words could possibly account for such behavior except, "I'm so gullible!"

1 comment:

marlamuppets said...

you have too much fun. i'm jealous. i'm going to come work for you. and be your assistant so i can get in on all this crazy fun.